Your health and well being is a top priority when conducting business in the studio space. Photography is done in a private studio, by appointment only.
Take their temperature before arriving to the studio to make sure they are not running a fever.
Wear their mask before and after the session. (The only time they take it off is when they are in front of the camera)
Women should arrive camera ready with makeup on
Men should be groomed for camera
Both should bring additional grooming supplies like hair brush, spray, lip balm, etc…should they want to make adjustments.
Will wear mask at all times.
Maintain social distance of 6 ft from subject at all times.
Will keep studio well ventilated by keeping the garage door open and fans going.
Will disinfect photography gear as well as posing chair and table.
Posing instructions will be handsfree during session.
Full length mirror will be available to make clothing adjustments themselves.
Bathroom/changing area will be disinfected before and after each use.
Paper towels will be provided in restroom to dry hands.
Antibacterial wipes are provided.
Clothing rack is available for additional wardrobe hanging.